Splitting criteria

This package helps to find splitting criteria in C4.5

Information Gain

ID3 uses information gain as its attribute selection measure. This measure is based on pioneering work by Claude Shannon on information theory, which studied the value or “information content” of messages. Let node N represent or hold the tuples of partition D. The attribute with the highest information gain is chosen as the splitting attribute for node N. This attribute minimizes the information needed to classify the tuples in the resulting partitions and reflects the least randomness or “impurity” in these partitions. Such an approach minimizes the expected number of tests needed to classify a given tuple and guarantees that a simple (but not necessarily the simplest) tree is found.
The expected information needed to classify a tuple in D is given by:
where pi is the probability that an arbitrary tuple inDbelongs to classCi and is estimated by |Ci,D|/|D|. A log function to the base 2 is used because the information is encoded in bits. Info(D) is just the average amount of information needed to identify the class label of a tuple in D. Note that, at this point, the information we have is based solely on the proportions of tuples of each class. Info(D) is also known as the entropy of D.
Now, suppose we were to partition the tuples in D on some attribute A having v distinct values, {a1, a2, . . . , av}, as observed from the training data. If A is discrete-valued, these values correspond directly to the v outcomes of a test on A. Attribute A can be used to split D into v partitions or subsets, {D1, D2, . . . , Dv},whereDj contains those tuples in D that have outcome aj of A. These partitions would correspond to the branches grown from node N. Ideally, we would like this partitioning to produce an exact classification of the tuples. That is, we would like for each partition to be pure. However, it is quite likely that the partitions will be impure (e.g., where a partition may contain a collection of tuples from different classes rather than from a single class). How much more information would we still need (after the partitioning) in order to arrive at an exact classification? This amount is measured by:
The term |Dj | |D| acts as the weight of the jth partition. InfoA(D) is the expected information required to classify a tuple from D based on the partitioning by A. The smaller the expected information (still) required, the greater the purity of the partitions. Information gain is defined as the difference between the original information requirement (i.e., based on just the proportion of classes) and the newrequirement (i.e., obtained after partitioning on A). That is,
In other words, Gain(A) tells us how much would be gained by branching on A. It is the expected reduction in the information requirement caused by knowing the value of A. The attribute A with the highest information gain, (Gain(A)), is chosen as the splitting attribute at node N. This is equivalent to saying that we want to partition on the attribute A that would do the “best classification,” so that the amount of information still required to finish classifying the tuples is minimal (i.e., minimum InfoA(D)).

Gain ratio

C4.5, a successor of ID3, uses an extension to information gain known as gain ratio, which attempts to overcome this bias. It applies a kind of normalization to information gain using a “split information” value defined analogously with Info(D) as:
This value represents the potential information generated by splitting the training data set, D, into v partitions, corresponding to the v outcomes of a test on attribute A. Note that, for each outcome, it considers the number of tuples having that outcome with respect to the total number of tuples in D. It differs from information gain, which measures the information with respect to classification that is acquired based on the same partitioning. The gain ratio is defined as:
The attribute with the maximum gain ratio is selected as the splitting attribute. Note, however, that as the split information approaches 0, the ratio becomes unstable. A constraint is added to avoid this, whereby the information gain of the test selected must be large—at least as great as the average gain over all tests examined.


Use the package manager pip to install foobar. if pip doesn't work just download this project and keep the split_ratio in your directory and use it.
pip install split_ratio



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