Roots of a Polynomial Equation

The solvers module in SymPy implements methods for solving equations.

Let's take an example of solving the equation of order 2.
Equation : (x - 0.4)*(x + 0.65) - 1, Now we try to find positive roots of equation

 from sympy.solvers import solve  
 from sympy import Symbol  
 beta = Symbol('x',positive=True)  
 f =1  
 gammavalues = [0.4, 0.35, 0.3]  
 for i in range(1,-1,-1):  
   f = f*(beta-gammavalues[i])  
   f= f+1  
 f = f-2  
 beta = solve(f, beta)  

 (x - 0.4)*(x + 0.65) - 1  

just go through this link where you can find other important things like solving an algebraic equation, ODEs, PDEs


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